For a full list of scholarship and research, please review my CV and Google Scholar profile.
Books & Major Works
Recent Publications
Waltz, R. M. (2023). Program foundations: Establishing values, boundaries, and priorities. In A. Behler, Leading Dynamic Information Literacy Programs. Taylor & Francis.
Waltz, R. M. (2021). In support of flourishing: Practices to engage, motivate, affirm, and appreciate. International Information & Library Review, 53(4): 333-340. Invited.
Porterfield, J. M., Diaz, S. A., & Waltz, R. M. (2020). Activating library classrooms: Evaluating formal learning spaces for active learning and student engagement. Journal of Learning Spaces, 9(2), 67-78.
Hudson-Vitale, C., & Waltz, R. M. (2020). Caring for our colleagues: Wellness and support strategies for remote library teams. College & Research Libraries News, 81(10): 494-497.
Meier, J. & Miller, R. K. (2018). Fail early and often to succeed: The case for rapid prototyping in libraries. Library Leadership & Management, 33(1), 1-19.
Wissinger, C., Raish, V., Miller, R. K., & Borrelli, S. (2018). The use of expert teams in scaffolding nursing information literacy instruction. Journal of Library Administration, 58(4), 313-333.
Meier, J. & Miller, R. K. (2016). Turning the revolution into an evolution: The case for design thinking and rapid prototyping in libraries. College & Research Libraries News, 77(6): 283-286.