
For a full list of scholarship and research, please review my CV.

Forthcoming and Recent Presentations

Recent (past 5 years)

Waltz, R. M. (2023, October). Rising to the challenge of equitable student success.  Poster presentation at the Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) 2023 Conference, Pocono Manor, PA, State. 

Albert, A., Barnes, T., Waltz, R. M., Zald A. (2023, March). Cultivating our future colleagues: How librarians as library school adjuncts support curricula and communities.  Presentation at the ACRL 2023 Conference, Association of College & Research Libraries, Pittsburgh, PA, National. 

Hudson Vitale, C., Meehan, J. & Waltz, R. M. (2022, April). The trauma informed organization: leading ourselves and teams, while supporting our communities.  Presentation at the 2022 Conference on Academic Library Management, Virtual. 

Waltz, R. M., Hudson Vitale, C., & Borrelli, S. (2021, March). Elevating through agency: Middle manager advocacy for direct reports.  Presentation at the 2021 Conference on Academic Library Management, Virtual.

Helmstutler, B. & Waltz, R. M. (2020, November). Evaluation through collaboration: Artifact assessment for an online course. Presentation at the 2020 Distance Library Services Conference, Virtual.

Behler, A. & Waltz, R. M. (2020, May). Stepping back from the line:  How we stopped teaching and built a stronger program. Presentation at LOEX 2020, Virtual.

Diaz, S., Waltz, R. M. & Porterfield, J. (2019, October).  Activating library classrooms: What makes learning spaces shine in libraries? Presentation at the Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) 2019 Conference, Erie, PA, State. 

Waltz, R. M., Diaz, S. A., & Porterfield, J. M. (2019, April). Academic Library Impact: New research from ACRL grant recipients. Presentation at ACRL 2019 Conference, Association of College & Research Libraries, Cleveland, OH, National.

Waltz, R. M., Diaz, S. A., & Porterfield, J. M., (2019, January). Activating library classrooms: Evaluating formal learning spaces for active learning and student engagement. Presentation at 2019 American Library Association Midwinter Conference, American Library Association, Seattle, WA, National.

Presentation Portfolio (or, some favorite examples)

2021 Conference on Academic Library Management


2019 Pennsylvania Library Association Conference


2018 European Conference on Information Literacy


The Innovative Library Classroom 2017:  Keynote
